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Ethos (Dec 11, 2020)

For Art Week 2020 we brought to Miami and audio visual collaboration between Miami artist Danny Daze and Mexican Visual Artist Jorge Flores for his visual piece Filiak.

“A unique experience that attributes the spirit of a culture, era, and community as manifested in its attitudes and aspirations.”

About Filiak:
[ Generative Graphic & Sound Composition System ]
This system has been developed through a process of graphic and sound abstraction and computational experimentation in which sound is molded and generated from the behaviors of the visual form and vice versa.
Thus create a live, hybrid, random, unstable and generative composition that results in a pure aesthetic experience of co-existence between form and sound.

Danny and Jorge met during the pre production for Ethos 2020 thanks to Santi founder of Lucid Screen & Kenia founder of Alegria. They all met at Wynwood Studio, the perfect venue for such experience. It was definitely one for the books and our most unique experience up to date.
We wish to bring this concept again very soon.



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